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FoxyCart's E-Commerce API

Like any API, FoxyCart's API is for advanced users only. If you're not comfortable with programming, you should probably get familiar with your language of choice first, and never test on a live store. FoxyCart cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the API.

Need to Know

  • The API is only available on v050 and above.
  • Make sure you've selected the appropriate hashing method (MD5 or SHA-1) in the “advanced” tab in your FoxyCart admin.
  • All _list methods (v070+) support a “pagination_start” parameter for paginating through your filtered result set. Along with the <messages> node with useful pagination information, there will be a <statistics> node which includes total records, filtered_total, pagination_start and pagination_end.

REST Request Format

REST is the simplest request format to use - it's a simple HTTP POST action. GET requests are NOT supported, which cuts down on potential security risks (particularly with regard to how GET requests tend to get logged, cached, stored, and etc.).


The REST Endpoint URL is https:/ / or https:/ /custom.subdomain.tld/api (spaces added to prevent indexing), depending on what your FoxyCart store URL is set to. All requests need the api_token passed in along with any request. Your API Token is the same as your datafeed encryption key, and can be set in the Advanced tab in your FoxyCart admin.

It is your responsibility to keep this key secure. If a malicious person finds your API key they will have access that they definitely should not have.

REST Response

By default, REST requests will send a response that looks something like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
		<message>Customer Found</message>
	<last_modified_date>2009-02-10 13:16:11</last_modified_date>
	<customer_address1>555 Mulberry Dr.</customer_address1>
	<customer_phone> </customer_phone>

Request Methods

Customer Records

  • customer_get (v050+)
  • customer_save (v050+)
Required Fields
  • customer_id OR customer_email
  • customer_password OR customer_password_hash is required for a customer_save action if the customer record is a new record (but is not required for updating an existing record).
Data Retrieval
  • customer_list (v070+)
    • filter options: customer_id_filter, customer_email_filter, customer_first_name_filter, customer_last_name_filter, customer_state_filter
  • The customer_password value:
    • When using customer_get method: Returns a HASH of the customer's password, NOT THE ACTUAL PASSWORD. You can set the hashing method in the Advanced tab in your FoxyCart admin. This setting is store-wide, not a per-user setting.
    • When using the customer_save method: Can accept a password as cleartext. FoxyCart will create the password hash for you based on your chosen hashing method. Sending the cleartext is recommended, if you have access to it when you make the API request.
  • The customer_password_hash value: If you do not have the password in cleartext but would like to update the password, pass in customer_password_hash. Whether you pass in a customer_password or a customer_password_hash, the end result is the same: A hashed password will be returned on _get requests for the customer_password field.

Customer Addresses

  • customer_address_get (v050+) (for multiple ship-to addresses)
  • customer_address_save (v050+) (for multiple ship-to addresses)
Required Fields
  • customer_id OR customer_email


  • transaction_get (v051+)
Required Fields
  • transaction_id
Data Retrieval
  • transaction_list (v070+)
    • filter options: transaction_date_filter_begin, transaction_date_filter_end, is_test_filter, hide_transaction_filter, data_is_fed_filter, id_filter, order_total_filter, coupon_code_filter, customer_id_filter, customer_email_filter, customer_first_name_filter, customer_last_name_filter, customer_state_filter, shipping_state_filter, customer_ip_filter, product_code_filter, product_name_filter, product_option_name_filter, product_option_value_filter


  • subscription_get (v060+)
  • subscription_cancel (v060+) Sets the sub_enddate to the next day, effectively canceling the subscription.
  • subscription_modify (v070+) Lets you modify any of the following subscription values: start_date, end_date, next_transaction_date, frequency, past_due_amount, is_active, transaction_template. For more details on the transaction_template format, see this XSD:
Required Fields
  • sub_token, can be either the token itself or the complete URL
Data Retrieval
  • subscription_list (v070+)
    • filter options: is_active_filter, frequency_filter, past_due_amount_filter (send 1 as the value to this filter and it will return subscriptions with past due amounts), start_date_filter_begin, start_date_filter_end, next_transaction_date_filter_begin, next_transaction_date_filter_end, end_date_filter_begin, end_date_filter_end, third_party_id_filter (currently only supports PayPal recurring payments), last_transaction_id_filter, customer_id_filter, customer_last_name_filter, product_code_filter, product_name_filter, product_option_name_filter, product_option_value_filter


Here's a very rough example of how to use the API using PHP:

$foxy_domain = "";
$foxyData = array();
$foxyData["api_token"] = "XXXXX your api / datafeed key here XXXXXX";
$foxyData["api_action"] = "customer_save";
$foxyData["customer_id"] = "12345";
// OR use the email:
//$foxyData["customer_email"] = "";
$foxyData["customer_password"] = "my new password";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://" . $foxy_domain . "/api");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $foxyData);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
// If you get SSL errors, you can uncomment the following, or ask your host to add the appropriate CA bundle
// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$response = trim(curl_exec($ch));
// The following if block will print any CURL errors you might have
if ($response == false) {
	print "CURL Error: \n" . curl_error($ch);
} else {
	print "Response to customer save of " . $foxyData['customer_email'] . "\n";
	print $response;
$foxyResponse = simplexml_load_string($response, NULL, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";

Language Specific Considerations

Ruby on Rails (RoR)

If you have difficulty with httparty or ActiveResource, try putting the POST request in the :body and not the :query.

Using CURL to Test the API

You can always use CURL to test the API. Here is an example command line CURL request:

curl -d "api_token=PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE&api_action=customer_get&"

You'd obviously need to insert your own values in that call, but it's provided here for reference. Using CURL can be handy if you just want to get a customer ID quickly, or test to ensure data is being returned as expected.

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