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Snippets Integrations

very_large_form_with_lots_of_dataAdd to cart form
automatically_adding_coupon_codeAdd to cart form
using_calendar_date_pickerAdd to cart form
updating_total_element_to_reflect_selected_price_modifiers_in_pageAdd to cart form
form_with_radio_options_for_price_with_an_option_to_enter_any_amountAdd to cart form
tax_inclusive_pricesTax tips and tricks
more_tax_inclusive_pricesTax tips and tricks
showing_the_mini_cartMisc cart and checkout
product_images_in_the_cartMisc cart and checkout
removing_paypal_from_the_cartMisc cart and checkout
product_bundles_addonsMisc cart and checkout
two_stores_one_urlMultiple store
set_sub_startdate_to_closest_shipment_dateAdd to cart form
add_products_without_colorboxAdd to cart form
product_upsellingMisc cart and checkout
form_field_validationAdd to cart form
set_field_to_allow_only_whole_numbersAdd To Cart form
reverse_cart_itemsMisc cart and checkout
creating_add_to_cart_link_from_existing_cart_sessionMisc cart and checkout
set_sub_start_end_date_to_future_dateAdd to cart form
persistent_cart_restore_cartAdd to cart form

3PLSet the FoxyCart datafeed to pass your data to 3PL's fulfillment system3pl
ASP.NetWorkaround for ASP.NET's penchant to wrap the entire HTML body in a form tag, thus breaking all javascript that relies on forms' submit events.forms
Flash, ActionscriptHow to load the Foxybox from a Flash movie (using Actionscript) for easy Flash ecommerceloading_thickbox_from_flash
Flash, ActionscriptHow to load the Colorbox-powered FoxyCart cart from a Flash movie (using Actionscript) for easy Flash ecommerceloading_colorbox_from_flash
BingTrack sales within Bing Adsevent_tracking
ASP.Net, C#Code in C# to generate and post a FoxyCart XML datafeed on demand.test_xml_post_with_csharp
ASP.Net, C#Functions to interact with the FoxyCart API and XML Datafeeddatafeed_with_csharp
ASP.Net, C#Shows how to use the .net XmlSerializer object to easily read the FoxyCart transaction feed in cSharp.netcsharp-reading-xmldatafeed-with-xmlserializer
ASP.Net, C#Includes code for hashing with SHA1csharp-sso-helpers
ASP.Net, C#Includes code for hashing with SHA1csharp-cart-validation
ASP.Net, C#This is a collection of samples to work with FoxyCart in Cfoxysharp
ColdFusionIntegration notes for developing with Adobe ColdFusioncoldfusion
ConstantContact.Allow customers to 'opt in' to your Constant Contact mailing list during checkout.constantcontact
Craft CMSNotes for integrating FoxyCart and Craft CMScraftcms
DjangoProvides the necessary code to integrate into the Django framework.django
DrupalProvides the necessary code to integrate into the Drupal CMS system.drupal
PHP, ExcelWrites the FoxyCart XML Datafeed to a simple CSV file. Can write to separate files per product.xml_to_simple_csv
FetchApp.comUse to handle downloadable products.fetch
FlashHide flash objects when the Thickbox is launched, and show them again when it's closed.hiding_flash_on_page_overlay
SlideShowPro, FlashAdds "Purchase This Photo: (Size Drop-Down) (Add To Cart Button)" purchase controls for each image with defined costs.slideshowpro
FlaskProvides a datafeed integration with the Flask framework.flask
FoxyCartCreate a custom email receipt using the XML datafeed. Useful if you need attachments or language customization (prior to v0.4.0)custom_receipt
FoxyCartHost your downloadable products on your own server. Emails are sent out to your customers using the FoxyCart XML. Highly flexible.self_hosted_downloads
FoxyCartUses Michael J. I. Jackson's Shadowbox cross-browser, cross-platform javascript media viewer / modal window script to display the FoxyCart cart.shadowbox_cart
FoxyCartWrite the FoxyCart XML datafeed to a filetest_xml_write_to_file
FoxyCartGenerate a FoxyCart XML datafeed on demand. Useful for testing your integrations.test_xml_post
FoxyCart(FC 0.6.0-) jQuery to automatically create a select box ("drop down") with previously entered ship-to addresses, with showing/hiding of the "New recipient" field.multiship_javascript
FoxyCart(FC 0.7.0+) jQuery to automatically create a select box ("drop down") with previously entered ship-to addresses, with showing/hiding of the "New recipient" field.multiship_javascript_070
FoxyCartSecurity badges and "Powered by FoxyCart" logos for your sitelogos
FoxyCartIntercepts the FoxyCart XML Datafeed and hands it off to multiple locationsinterceptor
FoxyCartSave the cart contents as a persistent cart between sessions.saved_cart
FoxyCartExport your transactions in bulk as a single file rather than page by page as required currently in the FoxyCart administrationbulk_transactions_exporter
FoxyCart(FC 2.0+) jQuery to automatically create a select box ("drop down") with previously entered ship-to addresses, with showing/hiding of the "New recipient" field.multiship_javascript_2
FoxyCartExport your subscriptions in bulk as a single filebulk_subscription_exporter
FraudLabsProBlock payment fraud to minimize chargebacks and fraud losses.fraudlabspro
Google AdwordsIntegrate Google Adwords with your FoxyCart receiptgoogle_adwords
Google AnalyticsTrack your advertising campaigns in Google Analyticscampaign_tracking
Google AnalyticsTutorial to set up ecommerce tracking for Google Analytics and FoxyCartgoogleanalytics
Google Analytics (Asynchronous)Tutorial to set up ecommerce tracking for Google Analytics and FoxyCartgoogleanalytics_async
Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)Tutorial to set up ecommerce tracking for Google Analytics analytics.js and FoxyCartgoogleanalytics_universal
Google Trusted StoresCode for your receipt template to tell Google Trusted Stores about the purchasegoogle_trusted_stores
HiFiA tutorial for integrating FoxyCart with Hifi siteshifi
JamRoomAdd e-commerce to your JamRoom v5 installation, powered by FoxyCart.jamroom
JavaNotes and links to Java + FoxyCart related resourcesjava
LightCMSA tutorial for integrating FoxyCart with LightCMS siteslight_cms
MODxCreate or update webuser permissions based on FoxyCart subscriptions. Useful for creating a paid subscription / premium area of your siteusersubscriptions
MODxBasic instructions to use Ditto and child documents to build product option select boxes.productoptions
MODxClean up your "add to cart" links with a custom PHx modifierrawurlencode
MODxA tutorial for how to set up ecommerce for MODx using FoxyCarttutorial
MODxA basic inventory snippet, which uses MODx TVs and chunks to display "add to cart" or "out of stock" functionality, based on available inventory.inventory
MODx Revolution, MODx EvolutionA plugin to automatically verify all links and forms output using MODX Revo and Evohmac_price_validation
Campaign Monitor, MailBuildAllow your customers to 'opt in' to your Campaign Monitor or MailBuild lists during checkout.campaign_monitor
MailChimpAllow customers to 'opt in' to your MailChimp mailing list during checkout.mailchimp
NRGshipThe fastest easiest way to ship UPS from your Mac and organize all the details of your shipments in one place.nrgship
OSI Affiliate SoftwareHow to integrate FoxyCart with OSI Affiliate Softwareosi_affiliate_software
Order DeskOrder Desk provides powerful order management and fulfillment capabilities for Foxy users as well as some helpful developer toolsorderdesk
PHPAn example single sign-on (SSO) (aka "shared authentication") implementation in PHPshared_authentication_example
PHPAllow file uploads on products for customized products.uploadables
PHPA script to allow the datafeed to be passed off to multiple different endpointsmultiple_datafeed_endpoints
PHP5For v050+, should give you some ideas for automating your billing and payment card reminders.subscription_datafeed
SiteGrinder 3, PhotoshopNotes and tips for FoxyCart + SG3sitegrinder
PythonPython classes to decrypt and parse an XML datafeed. Includes examples for Python 2 and Python 3.python
PythonHelper functions to generate FoxyCart HMAC signed URLshmac_validation_helpers
QuickBooksUsing the Intuit-supported QuickBooks Web Connector, automatically import Foxycart orders, line items, customers, and items into QuickBooks.quickbooks-web-connector
RubyA gem to synchronize your Ruby application with FoxyCart. It encapsulates the FoxyCart SSO, Datafeed, and cart validation protocols and abstracts the entire FoxyCart API.foxysync
Ruby on RailsA basic example of how to decrypt a foxycart v060 datafeedxml_decode
SalesForceAdds a generic lead to SalesForce using the customer information from the FoxyCart order.salesforce
ShipWorksThird-party connector that lets you connect your ShipWorks account directly to your FoxyCart account and automatically sync your orders back and forthshipworks
ShipwireFoxyWire is the only automated, out-of-the-box FoxyCart/Shipwire integration. No coding required and free forever. FoxyWire also provides a full audit history so you can see every bit of XML that has been passed between FoxyCart and Shipwire.foxywire
SilverStripeNotes and links on FoxyCart + SilverStripe docs and codesilverstripe
SilverStripeFoxyStripe is a Silverstripe module designed to integrate with Foxycart.foxystripe
SitemasonThe Sitemason Store is a full featured, enterprise-level commerce solution that utilizes the feature-rich FoxyCart platform.sitemason
SmartTurnSet the FoxyCart datafeed to pass your data to SmartTurn's fulfillment systemsmartturn
ASP.Net, VB.NetFunctions to interact with the FoxyCart API and XML
WP AffiliateAdd basic affiliate tracking between FoxyCart and WP Affiliatewp_affiliate
Webvanta.comA detailed walkthrough for adding FoxyCart to power ecommerce on a site.webvanta
WordPressA screencast + tutorial describing how to quickly and easiy set up Wordpress and FoxyCart together.wordpress
WordPressFoxyPress - WordPress + FoxyCartfoxypress
WordPressComplete FoxyCart integration for WordPress.foxyshop
ZapierSet your datafeed to push orders to Zapierzapier-datafeed
facebookThis plugin for FoxyCart gives your store the ability to grant discounts to customers after they’ve posted about your store or company on their facebook wall.foxybook
facebookTracking Foxy conversions with the Facebook Pixelconversion_tracking
crafty clicks, fetchifyAdd Fetchify's address lookup and validation to your checkoutcraftyclicks
googleAdd the Survey Opt-In display to your receipt for Google Customer Reviewsgoogle_customer_reviews
iDevAffiliateAutomatically add customers as affiliates if they opt-in. Generates the username, password, and other iDevAffiliate options. Account information is emailed automatically.adding_customers_as_affiliates
iDevAffiliateBasic iDevAffiliate tracking for FoxyCartbasic_affiliate_tracking
loqateAdd Loqate address lookup and validation to your checkoutloqate
node.jsNode.js function for encrypting values for an add to cart link or formhmac_price_validation
pdfA simple script to be run locally for converting FoxyCart receipts to printable PDFs.export_to_pdf
pinterestTracking Foxy conversions with the Pinterest Pixelconversion_tracking
rubyHelper Gems for Rubygems

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