↓ System | Description | Link |
3PL | Set the FoxyCart datafeed to pass your data to 3PL's fulfillment system | 3pl |
ASP.Net | Workaround for ASP.NET's penchant to wrap the entire HTML body in a form tag, thus breaking all javascript that relies on forms' submit events. | forms |
Flash, Actionscript | How to load the Foxybox from a Flash movie (using Actionscript) for easy Flash ecommerce | loading_thickbox_from_flash |
Flash, Actionscript | How to load the Colorbox-powered FoxyCart cart from a Flash movie (using Actionscript) for easy Flash ecommerce | loading_colorbox_from_flash |
Bing | Track sales within Bing Ads | event_tracking |
ASP.Net, C# | Code in C# to generate and post a FoxyCart XML datafeed on demand. | test_xml_post_with_csharp |
ASP.Net, C# | Functions to interact with the FoxyCart API and XML Datafeed | datafeed_with_csharp |
ASP.Net, C# | Shows how to use the .net XmlSerializer object to easily read the FoxyCart transaction feed in cSharp.net | csharp-reading-xmldatafeed-with-xmlserializer |
ASP.Net, C# | Includes code for hashing with SHA1 | csharp-sso-helpers |
ASP.Net, C# | Includes code for hashing with SHA1 | csharp-cart-validation |
ASP.Net, C# | This is a collection of samples to work with FoxyCart in C | foxysharp |
ColdFusion | Integration notes for developing with Adobe ColdFusion | coldfusion |
ConstantContact. | Allow customers to 'opt in' to your Constant Contact mailing list during checkout. | constantcontact |
Craft CMS | Notes for integrating FoxyCart and Craft CMS | craftcms |
Django | Provides the necessary code to integrate into the Django framework. | django |
Drupal | Provides the necessary code to integrate into the Drupal CMS system. | drupal |
PHP, Excel | Writes the FoxyCart XML Datafeed to a simple CSV file. Can write to separate files per product. | xml_to_simple_csv |
FetchApp.com | Use FetchApp.com to handle downloadable products. | fetch |
Flash | Hide flash objects when the Thickbox is launched, and show them again when it's closed. | hiding_flash_on_page_overlay |
SlideShowPro, Flash | Adds "Purchase This Photo: (Size Drop-Down) (Add To Cart Button)" purchase controls for each image with defined costs. | slideshowpro |
Flask | Provides a datafeed integration with the Flask framework. | flask |
FoxyCart | Create a custom email receipt using the XML datafeed. Useful if you need attachments or language customization (prior to v0.4.0) | custom_receipt |
FoxyCart | Host your downloadable products on your own server. Emails are sent out to your customers using the FoxyCart XML. Highly flexible. | self_hosted_downloads |
FoxyCart | Uses Michael J. I. Jackson's Shadowbox cross-browser, cross-platform javascript media viewer / modal window script to display the FoxyCart cart. | shadowbox_cart |
FoxyCart | Write the FoxyCart XML datafeed to a file | test_xml_write_to_file |
FoxyCart | Generate a FoxyCart XML datafeed on demand. Useful for testing your integrations. | test_xml_post |
FoxyCart | (FC 0.6.0-) jQuery to automatically create a select box ("drop down") with previously entered ship-to addresses, with showing/hiding of the "New recipient" field. | multiship_javascript |
FoxyCart | (FC 0.7.0+) jQuery to automatically create a select box ("drop down") with previously entered ship-to addresses, with showing/hiding of the "New recipient" field. | multiship_javascript_070 |
FoxyCart | Security badges and "Powered by FoxyCart" logos for your site | logos |
FoxyCart | Intercepts the FoxyCart XML Datafeed and hands it off to multiple locations | interceptor |
FoxyCart | Save the cart contents as a persistent cart between sessions. | saved_cart |
FoxyCart | Export your transactions in bulk as a single file rather than page by page as required currently in the FoxyCart administration | bulk_transactions_exporter |
FoxyCart | (FC 2.0+) jQuery to automatically create a select box ("drop down") with previously entered ship-to addresses, with showing/hiding of the "New recipient" field. | multiship_javascript_2 |
FoxyCart | Export your subscriptions in bulk as a single file | bulk_subscription_exporter |
FraudLabsPro | Block payment fraud to minimize chargebacks and fraud losses. | fraudlabspro |
Google Adwords | Integrate Google Adwords with your FoxyCart receipt | google_adwords |
Google Analytics | Track your advertising campaigns in Google Analytics | campaign_tracking |
Google Analytics | Tutorial to set up ecommerce tracking for Google Analytics and FoxyCart | googleanalytics |
Google Analytics (Asynchronous) | Tutorial to set up ecommerce tracking for Google Analytics and FoxyCart | googleanalytics_async |
Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) | Tutorial to set up ecommerce tracking for Google Analytics analytics.js and FoxyCart | googleanalytics_universal |
Google Trusted Stores | Code for your receipt template to tell Google Trusted Stores about the purchase | google_trusted_stores |
HiFi | A tutorial for integrating FoxyCart with Hifi sites | hifi |
JamRoom | Add e-commerce to your JamRoom v5 installation, powered by FoxyCart. | jamroom |
Java | Notes and links to Java + FoxyCart related resources | java |
LightCMS | A tutorial for integrating FoxyCart with LightCMS sites | light_cms |
MODx | Create or update webuser permissions based on FoxyCart subscriptions. Useful for creating a paid subscription / premium area of your site | usersubscriptions |
MODx | Basic instructions to use Ditto and child documents to build product option select boxes. | productoptions |
MODx | Clean up your "add to cart" links with a custom PHx modifier | rawurlencode |
MODx | A tutorial for how to set up ecommerce for MODx using FoxyCart | tutorial |
MODx | A basic inventory snippet, which uses MODx TVs and chunks to display "add to cart" or "out of stock" functionality, based on available inventory. | inventory |
MODx Revolution, MODx Evolution | A plugin to automatically verify all links and forms output using MODX Revo and Evo | hmac_price_validation |
Campaign Monitor, MailBuild | Allow your customers to 'opt in' to your Campaign Monitor or MailBuild lists during checkout. | campaign_monitor |
MailChimp | Allow customers to 'opt in' to your MailChimp mailing list during checkout. | mailchimp |
NRGship | The fastest easiest way to ship UPS from your Mac and organize all the details of your shipments in one place. | nrgship |
OSI Affiliate Software | How to integrate FoxyCart with OSI Affiliate Software | osi_affiliate_software |
Order Desk | Order Desk provides powerful order management and fulfillment capabilities for Foxy users as well as some helpful developer tools | orderdesk |
PHP | An example single sign-on (SSO) (aka "shared authentication") implementation in PHP | shared_authentication_example |
PHP | Allow file uploads on products for customized products. | uploadables |
PHP | A script to allow the datafeed to be passed off to multiple different endpoints | multiple_datafeed_endpoints |
PHP5 | For v050+, should give you some ideas for automating your billing and payment card reminders. | subscription_datafeed |
SiteGrinder 3, Photoshop | Notes and tips for FoxyCart + SG3 | sitegrinder |
Python | Python classes to decrypt and parse an XML datafeed. Includes examples for Python 2 and Python 3. | python |
Python | Helper functions to generate FoxyCart HMAC signed URLs | hmac_validation_helpers |
QuickBooks | | quickbooks |
QuickBooks | Using the Intuit-supported QuickBooks Web Connector, automatically import Foxycart orders, line items, customers, and items into QuickBooks. | quickbooks-web-connector |
Ruby | A gem to synchronize your Ruby application with FoxyCart. It encapsulates the FoxyCart SSO, Datafeed, and cart validation protocols and abstracts the entire FoxyCart API. | foxysync |
Ruby on Rails | A basic example of how to decrypt a foxycart v060 datafeed | xml_decode |
SalesForce | Adds a generic lead to SalesForce using the customer information from the FoxyCart order. | salesforce |
ShipWorks | Third-party connector that lets you connect your ShipWorks account directly to your FoxyCart account and automatically sync your orders back and forth | shipworks |
Shipwire | FoxyWire is the only automated, out-of-the-box FoxyCart/Shipwire integration. No coding required and free forever. FoxyWire also provides a full audit history so you can see every bit of XML that has been passed between FoxyCart and Shipwire. | foxywire |
SilverStripe | Notes and links on FoxyCart + SilverStripe docs and code | silverstripe |
SilverStripe | FoxyStripe is a Silverstripe module designed to integrate with Foxycart. | foxystripe |
Sitemason | The Sitemason Store is a full featured, enterprise-level commerce solution that utilizes the feature-rich FoxyCart platform. | sitemason |
SmartTurn | Set the FoxyCart datafeed to pass your data to SmartTurn's fulfillment system | smartturn |
Squarespace | | squarespace |
Unbounce | | unbounce |
ASP.Net, VB.Net | Functions to interact with the FoxyCart API and XML Datafeed | asp.net |
WP Affiliate | Add basic affiliate tracking between FoxyCart and WP Affiliate | wp_affiliate |
Webvanta.com | A detailed walkthrough for adding FoxyCart to power ecommerce on a Webvanta.com site. | webvanta |
WordPress | A screencast + tutorial describing how to quickly and easiy set up Wordpress and FoxyCart together. | wordpress |
WordPress | FoxyPress - WordPress + FoxyCart | foxypress |
WordPress | Complete FoxyCart integration for WordPress. | foxyshop |
Zapier | Set your datafeed to push orders to Zapier | zapier-datafeed |
facebook | This plugin for FoxyCart gives your store the ability to grant discounts to customers after they’ve posted about your store or company on their facebook wall. | foxybook |
facebook | Tracking Foxy conversions with the Facebook Pixel | conversion_tracking |
crafty clicks, fetchify | Add Fetchify's address lookup and validation to your checkout | craftyclicks |
google | Add the Survey Opt-In display to your receipt for Google Customer Reviews | google_customer_reviews |
iDevAffiliate | Automatically add customers as affiliates if they opt-in. Generates the username, password, and other iDevAffiliate options. Account information is emailed automatically. | adding_customers_as_affiliates |
iDevAffiliate | Basic iDevAffiliate tracking for FoxyCart | basic_affiliate_tracking |
loqate | Add Loqate address lookup and validation to your checkout | loqate |
node.js | Node.js function for encrypting values for an add to cart link or form | hmac_price_validation |
pdf | A simple script to be run locally for converting FoxyCart receipts to printable PDFs. | export_to_pdf |
pinterest | Tracking Foxy conversions with the Pinterest Pixel | conversion_tracking |
ruby | Helper Gems for Ruby | gems |