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Upgrading to v0.6.0

Note: This page is geared towards upgrading from v0.5.0. Please make sure you view all the version notes for versions you may be skipping (ie. from 0.5.0 → 0.5.1 → 0.6.0).

Please make sure you review the 0.6.0 changelog (available in your FoxyCart admin's Store Settings page) before upgrading. Also please ensure you've read the v060 known issues

ACTION REQUIRED: Guest v Account Checkout Modes

v060 brings some changes to how customer accounts are treated, and these changes bring with them some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript changes you may need to account for if you've done advanced customization or integrations. Please ensure you read and understand these changes carefully prior to switching a store from v051 to v060.

Guest, Account Settings

In the “checkout” page in your FoxyCart admin there are now settings to determine the “checkout type”:

  1. Allow guest and customer accounts, default to account creation
  2. Allow guest and customer accounts, default to guest checkout
  3. Allow customer accounts only
  4. Allow guest checkout only

It is important to analyze what your store is currently doing in order to choose a setting that will make sense for you. For example, if you've currently been doing the “pre-population hack” to achieve a checkout without password, you'll likely want to set your store to default to guest mode, or to allow guest checkouts only. If, on the other hand, you have subscription products then you likely want to ensure you don't select guest only, as guest accounts cannot work with subscriptions.

Further, if you've been using the pre-population method to achieve a password-free checkout prior to v060, the upgrade process will include a step about upgrading customer records. More detail is provided when you make this change, but please ensure you read it thoroughly. If you have any questions please ask in our forum.

Login / Email Fieldset, HTML & CSS

Due to the near complete refactoring of this section, you'll want to spend some time examining the changes on your store. You can use the default CSS files provided as a starting point, but if you've done heavy customization already you may find that much of the styles are applied as desired, as the HTML elements and classes are similar. You should examine the messaging on that section though, as the helper text has moved and changed. See more notes below, and the changelog, for details on what HTML has changed.

General Changes

Possible Action Required: HTML & CSS Changes

v060 introduces significant new functionality, and the HTML & CSS has changed to accommodate it. If you're upgrading from a prior version of FoxyCart and you've customized your CSS, you'll want to focus on the following areas:

  • The first fieldset on the checkout, which has the login and password fields.
  • The payment fieldset, as it can now accept multiple payment options.
    • For credit card payments, auto-detection of non-credit debit cards (often used in the UK) such as Maestro or Solo is performed, and additional fields for start date and issue number are displayed. Style those accordingly if you have customers using those cards.
  • Many class names have changed, as noted in the changelog Big changes are:
    • Removed the div.fc_inner_extra elements on the checkout HTML. If you're using those for any styling you'll have to modify your CSS accordingly.
    • Changed all .fc_label_left to .fc_pre. You should be able to do a find/replace from one to the other.
    • Changed all .fc_text_label classes (used on span elements) to .fc_pre. Again, a find/replace in any custom CSS should handle things.
    • Some changes to the styling of checkbox and radio input elements. Due to the infinite possibilities we cannot provide straightforward steps to maintain the same formatting, but if you can't figure it out please ask in our forum.
    • Renamed and moved the #p_login_result_ paragraph elements within the parent fieldset. Again, due to the possibilities with custom styling there's no straightforward migration path, but

Possible Action Required: Checkout Pre-Population, Checkout Password Fields

If you're pre-populating the checkout you'll want to reexamine that approach in light of the new guest/account checkout settings.

Possible Action Required: XML Datafeed CDATA Tags

As of v0.6.0, FoxyCart's XML datafeeds include CDATA tags to many of the values in the XML. This shouldn't affect most modern XML parsers, but you should definitely be aware of the change and test the new XML datafeeds prior to going live. More info and example XML datafeeds here.

Possible Action Required: New Language Strings

All of these strings are added in the changelog, but an overview is provided here:

  • CART:
    • cart_updateinfo
    • cart_error_subscription_paypal
    • Card Logos (Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover, Maestro, etc.) are now configurable as a language string. The default string includes the same 4 (Visa, MC, AmEx, Discover) that were in the previous “standard” template. If you've overridden those images, or aren't accepting AmEx or Discover, please update the logos in the language string. (Forum discussion about this here.)
    • Many new fields relating to the guest/account login/creation.
    • checkout_instructions_email_checking (“Checking your email address…”)
    • Many new fields relating to debit card usage.
    • Many other small language changes have been made to the default English file. If this concerns you please review the settings for your store.
  • The ^^sub_token_url^^ placeholder can now be used on email receipt templates. This can make it easier to allow subscribers to modify their own subscriptions.
  • The sub_token string is now included in the initial XML datafeed send. If multiple subscriptions are in the cart, however, the sub_token value will be for the first subscription in the cart. This will be addressed in our next release.

Gateway Specific Changes

  • PayPoint Gateway, PayPal's Payflow Pro, and CyberSource now support language customization for response codes. If you're using any of these gateways you may want to explore the new language strings.

Shipping Specific Changes

  • FedEx rate requests now accept account numbers for account-specific discounts.
  • Functionality has been added to allow for rate requests to be sent as residential or commercial, either by default or based on the presence of a value in the company field on the checkout. If you're using a carrier that differentiates between the two you may want to explore this setting.

Features Added Post-Launch

CDN (Content Delivery Network)

Site Tools