Why FoxyCart was Built to Integrate
Too many systems try to be all things to all people. We'd rather do one thing and do it well; and for us, that thing is ecommerce. FoxyCart is not a CMS. It's not a mailing list manager. It's not CRM or inventory management or affiliate tracking. There are plenty of great applications that do those things excellently. We'd rather put our energy into being the absolute best ecommerce platform there is, and make it easy for you to integrate with whatever other systems you already know and love.
View Integrations
Filtered by tag='datafeed'
System | Name | ↑ Description |
PHP, Excel | xml_to_simple_csv | Writes the FoxyCart XML Datafeed to a simple CSV file. Can write to separate files per product. |
FoxyCart | test_xml_write_to_file | Write the FoxyCart XML datafeed to a file |
QuickBooks | quickbooks-web-connector | Using the Intuit-supported QuickBooks Web Connector, automatically import Foxycart orders, line items, customers, and items into QuickBooks. |
ASP.Net, C# | csharp-reading-xmldatafeed-with-xmlserializer | Shows how to use the .net XmlSerializer object to easily read the FoxyCart transaction feed in cSharp.net |
SmartTurn | smartturn | Set the FoxyCart datafeed to pass your data to SmartTurn's fulfillment system |
3PL | 3pl | Set the FoxyCart datafeed to pass your data to 3PL's fulfillment system |
Java | java | Notes and links to Java + FoxyCart related resources |
FoxyCart | test_xml_post | Generate a FoxyCart XML datafeed on demand. Useful for testing your integrations. |
ASP.Net, C# | datafeed_with_csharp | Functions to interact with the FoxyCart API and XML Datafeed |
PHP5 | subscription_datafeed | For v050+, should give you some ideas for automating your billing and payment card reminders. |
ASP.Net, C# | test_xml_post_with_csharp | Code in C# to generate and post a FoxyCart XML datafeed on demand. |
PHP | multiple_datafeed_endpoints | A script to allow the datafeed to be passed off to multiple different endpoints |
Ruby on Rails | xml_decode | A basic example of how to decrypt a foxycart v060 datafeed |
QuickBooks | quickbooks | |
Please note: The plugins listed on this page are (generally) submitted by members of the FoxyCart community, and are not verified by FoxyCart.com LLC in any way, shape, or form. Please double check the code before installing, as FoxyCart.com LLC cannot be responsible for any damages that are caused by code distributed on this wiki.