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name: (AIM)
gateway: (AIM Integration)

Setting Up for FoxyCart

  1. Log into your account
  2. Under your Account settings, click on Settings
  3. Under “Security Settings”, choose “API Login ID and Transaction Key”
  4. Here you will be required to obtain a Transaction Key by answering your security question.
  5. Acquire your API ID. If one is not visible (which is sometimes the case), you can use your login username in its place.
  6. Set the live/test radio button selection to Live (unless you're setting up your own test account).
  7. Log in to the Foxy administration and proceed to the payment gateway settings. Within the “Let customers pay with a Credit or Debit Card” option, select “Authorize.Net”. Enter the two values you copied from your Authorize.Net account, the Transaction Key and API ID (or login username) and save.
  8. If your store needs to verify that the credit card is valid for certain amounts, you can set the (live or test) card verification mode: field. This feature's use is if you want to save a credit card for the customer and verify that it's valid, but not charge it at the time of entry. See the ? to the right of the field for help on options.
  9. TEST.
  10. If you're doing international sales, make sure you configure your AVS settings, as described below.

Turning off your Email Receipt

Since FoxyCart is (usually) sending your customers their email receipt, you probably want to disable's email receipt. In “Settings” → “Email Receipts”, uncheck the checkbox under “Enable Email Confirmation”.

Configuring your AVS (Address Verification Service) Responses

Once you're set up your gateway you really should review your AVS settings. It's in Settings → Address Verification Service.

Make sure you at least give this a look when using Many non-US banks don't support AVS, and's default settings reject cards from banks that don't support it. This may not be the behavior you want, so please make sure you understand what all the information on this page means. If you leave it as is, you'll likely be rejecting many international orders.

If you're not a high-risk target for fraudulent orders you can uncheck most of the checkboxes. Many merchants leave “B” as the only box checked and don't have issues, though checking B, E, R, and N is probably a good idea. Every business is different so we recommend exploring the settings and only checking the boxes you want checked. Keep an eye on your store's error log to catch problems and adjust your AVS settings to resolve them, if necessary. If you anticipate many international orders you'll likely want to relax the AVS settings significantly. More on's FAQ.

If you are a high-risk target for fraud, or you're experiencing a lot of it, you probably want to check B, E, R, U, S, and N, and give serious consideration to G.

Configuring your CSC (Card Security Code) Settings

From your “Settings” page, click the “Card Code Verification” link under “Security Settings”, and make sure all the checkboxes are unchecked. If you need to check any of these options, please ensure that you understand that FoxyCart's may sometimes send transactions without the CSC. More information is on the payment gateway overview page.

Configuring your Phone fields

Make sure you check whether or not your account is configured to require the customer phone number. If it is, you'll need to make that a required field on your checkout. For store's on Foxy 2.0, you can do that from the “configuration” section of the administration in the “Customize which checkout fields are shown and required” option. For store's on version 1.1 or older, you can use this snippet.


Obtaining a Test Account

You can use the default FoxyCart Test Server account for testing (in your “Payment Gateway” settings), but this won't allow you to see all the transaction details on the backend. Select the “Test Server” radio button, then check the checkbox to use the default values.

If you'd like to set up your own test account, set it up here. After creating the account and receiving your test credentials, select the “Test Server” radio button in your “payments” page in your FoxyCart admin, then use your own test server API ID and transaction key.

You can also test with your live account. Choose the “Live Server” radio button in the FoxyCart admin, enter your real API ID and transaction key, and save. Then go to your account and enable test mode there.

Test Card Numbers

While you're using a Test Server you can run test transactions using the test card number 4111111111111111, with any expiration date in the future and any 3 digit CSC number.

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

Response Reason Codes and Response Reason Text is the authoritative source for descriptions and explanations of reason response codes.

Response Reason Code: 103

The response code of 103 generally points to the credentials entered into your store's payment settings in the FoxyCart administration not correctly matching your Authorize.Net account. You will want to review the integration steps at the top of this page to confirm that your APP Login ID and your Transaction Key correctly match between your Authorize.Net account and the payment settings for your FoxyCart store.

Response Reason Code: 87

If you get the “Transactions of this Market Type cannot be processed on our system” error (code 87), it probably means you should change the “Market Type” field's value in the “Merchant Profile” to “eCommerce”. You will have to contact support to change it.

Important Notes and Caveats

Be sure to review your AVS settings, as they may be overly restrictive by default for merchants doing international transactions.

User Notes and Experiences

If you have tips, experience, or helpful notes related to this gateway that would benefit others, please add them below, including your name and the date. We at FoxyCart reserve the right to edit or remove comments that don't add value to this page.

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