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Single Sign-On (SSO)

About Single Sign-On

FoxyCart's SSO allows customers who are already logged into your website to proceed through to checkout without needing to re-enter their username and password. This allows for far greater integration options, and can provide for a significantly improved checkout flow if you have customers who may already be logged into an external system. In order to prevent possible security issues, SSO checkouts still require the customer to enter the CSC when using a saved credit card.

Alternate Uses of SSO

Because of how FoxyCart's SSO functionality works it actually allows for a few interesting options in besides straight single sign-on:


How It Works

The Basic Idea

The basic idea of SSO is as follows:

  1. User creates an account or logs into SITE.
  2. On any user creation or modification, the SITE synchs the user's information with FoxyCart's customer records, using the API.
  3. When the user attempts to load the SITE's FoxyCart checkout (ie. from clicking “checkout” on the cart, from a direct to checkout request, etc.), the checkout redirects the user back to the SSO endpoint as configured in your FoxyCart store settings.
  4. The SITE's endpoint checks the current user's authentication status (on the SITE). This is possible because the endpoint is (probably) on the same domain as the SITE (where the initial authentication and any cookie-based sessions reside), and thus can access whatever session information might be available (such as the COOKIE headers).
  5. Based on the SITE's shared-authentication endpoint, the script can:
    • Redirect the user to the checkout, authenticated;
    • Redirect the user to the checkout, not authenticated; or
    • Take other action, such as redirect the user to a login or registration page, or deny checkout altogether.

Best Practices

Before we get to the details of an SSO implementation, it's important to understand what we consider “best practices” when it comes to SSO. The most important piece that people often miss is that users can be created from You → FoxyCart (via the API) and from FoxyCart → You (via the instant datafeed).

There are two related but unique user creation flows, then:

  1. The user adds products to the cart and proceeds through to the checkout all without your system knowing who the user is. When the user successfully completes the checkout, your system gets the instant datafeed and creates (or updates, if the user exists already) the user in your database.
  2. The user registers on your system first, logs in, then proceeds through to the FoxyCart checkout, already authenticated via SSO.

We strongly recommend allowing both options. Though there are situations where you may require a login prior to allowing a customer to add items to their cart (or even to see pricing), in most situations it will only hurt your sales if you require users to create an account prior to completing the checkout. Also, FoxyCart's checkout is arguably one of the most streamlined user registration forms around, and if the customer is going to be entering information you might as well just have them enter it in one place.

The Details

What Is Passed To The Endpoint, and When It Happens

Read the above overview first. Then take note of some of the details below.

What Checkout Requires From The Endpoint

If shared-authentication is enabled, the checkout will not load unless a valid fc_auth_token (and other supporting information) is passed in by your endpoint when it redirects the user. Here's what the checkout expects and requires.

The completed redirect might look something like this (in PHP):

$redirect_complete = '' . $auth_token . '&fcsid=' . $fcsid . '&fc_customer_id=' . $customer_id . '&timestamp=' . $timestamp;
header('Location: ' . $redirect_complete);

What Happens on Error


If you're convinced that FoxyCart is broken because you can't get SSO working, it's possible, but unlikely. Check a few common causes:

If you still can't get it working, please post in our forum and we'll be happy to help.

Best Practices: How To Approach a SSO Integration

One of the things we often hear is this workflow:

When the user goes to checkout I want them to be required to login or already be logged in. For new customers I want them to be redirected to the registration page on my site.

We generally recommend allowing a checkout as a guest (or if not enabling guest mode, at least allowing checkout through the FoxyCart-powered checkout page without first registering elsewhere). That allows for the most streamlined approach, and puts the least number of hurdles between your customer and a successful transaction. So if possible, you should allow checkout without first registering on your site. Once the order's done, you can create the user in your systems, so the end result is still a synchronized user. (Of course, you may have very legitimate reasons for requiring registration first, but if possible we recommend allowing an unauthenticated checkout.)

In any case, there are three main pieces to dig into:

  1. Creating and updating users from your system → FoxyCart.
  2. Creating and updating users from FoxyCart → your system.
  3. The SSO endpoint (FoxyCart → your system → FoxyCart).

#1 would generally be code in your system that attaches to specific events like OnUserChangePassword, OnUserSave, or other events where users are created or modified. On those events, just do a quick FoxyCart API call to create/update the user as needed.

#2 would be an endpoint on your system that accepted and processed the instant XML datafeed in order to create or update the user on your system.

#3 would be another endpoint on your end to handle the Single Sign-On functionality.

These three pieces are the foundation for a fully synchronized userbase between FoxyCart and your system of choice. If you have any questions about this process, just ask.

Caveats and Gotchas

Sample Code