Table of Contents

Ecommerce + XML = Flexible

Prior to v0.5.1: When you turn on the XML, FoxyCart will “feed” all “unfed” transactions back to you. That is, if you turn on your datafeed right now, the first XML sent will include ALL previous transactions that your store may have processed. This would be helpful if, for example, you wanted to import all of your customers into a mailing list, but in some cases this is NOT the behavior you want. This functionality may change in the future once exporting transactions to XML is allowed.

An Overview of FoxyCart's XML Datafeeds

In order to allow the flexibility and integration options that you need, FoxyCart can be configured to send encrypted XML to a URL of your choosing. This allows you to integrate FoxyCart without duplicating data across applications.

When you configure it for your store, it will send you an encrypted xml data post of your new transactions immediately* upon a successful transaction. (*The processing actually happens between the checkout and the receipt for FoxyCart version 0.5.1+. Prior versions will send the datafeed once a minute.) You can then update your inventory, manage paid subscriptions, add users to your mailing list, or whatever else you can dream up. You have full control.

Please note that FoxyCart's XML datafeeds do not include credit card information (number, CSC, date, etc.).




When you're testing your custom XML integration, don't run transactions through FoxyCart. This is both time consuming (as you have to add-to-cart, checkout, then wait up to a minute to receive the XML), but it also doesn't give you any indication of what's actually going wrong.

A much better method is to use the XML Test Post script or application (C#). This effectively mimics what FoxyCart is actually doing when sending the XML to your server in the first place. Make sure you update the test XML in the script to the appropriate version (below).

If you'd like to test using real data from your store, you can run a test transaction and write the datafeed to a file, then copy it out and put it in the Test Post script.

If you're struggling to just get started with reading the feed, try this: on your script page, capture all the POST data and write it to a file. Test it by posting a simple form to this page just to ensure that it works, and then you can run a single FoxyCart transaction to capture its data. You should end up with an array with a key of 'FoxyData' and pages of url-encrypted data, e.g. “%EBrV%8C%E9…”. After you've saved this to a file, you can work out the other details of your script, e.g. decoding the XML and routing it to your database or 3rd party applications (e.g. MailChimp).

When you turn on the XML, FoxyCart will “feed” all “unfed” transactions back to you. That is, if you turn on your datafeed right now, the first XML sent will include ALL previous transactions that your store may have processed. This would be helpful if, for example, you wanted to import all of your customers into a mailing list, but in some cases this is NOT the behavior you want. This functionality may change in the future once exporting transactions to XML is allowed.

If you'd like to “clear” your datafeed and mark all previous transactions as “fed”, you can create a text file on your server containing just the word “foxy”. Point your datafeed URL to that file and FoxyCart will mark all your existing transactions as “fed”, and it will not feed them again.

Best Practices


Country Codes

For compatibility, FoxyCart uses ISO country codes in our XML:

Example XML

FoxyCart v060 Datafeed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
			<transaction_date><![CDATA[2009-10-19 12:51:18]]></transaction_date>
			<processor_response><![CDATA[ Transaction ID:2150746594]]></processor_response>
			<customer_company><![CDATA[ACME Inc.]]></customer_company>
			<customer_address1><![CDATA[555 Mulberry Dr.]]></customer_address1>
					<tax_name><![CDATA[Global Tax]]></tax_name>
				<name><![CDATA[$5 off all orders over $5!]]></name>
				<product_name><![CDATA[Example Product]]></product_name>
				<category_description><![CDATA[Discount: Price: Percentage]]></category_description>
						<product_option_name><![CDATA[Price Discount Amount]]></product_option_name>
				<product_name><![CDATA[Example Subscription]]></product_name>
				<category_description><![CDATA[Default for all products]]></category_description>
				<product_name><![CDATA[some pdf]]></product_name>
				<shipto_address1><![CDATA[1234 Calle de Carretas]]></shipto_address1>
				<date_created><![CDATA[2010-02-06 12:30:31]]></date_created>
				<date_modified><![CDATA[2010-02-06 12:30:31]]></date_modified>
				<shipto_shipping_service_description><![CDATA[UPS Next Day Air]]></shipto_shipping_service_description>
		<transaction_date><![CDATA[2009-10-19 13:20:56]]></transaction_date>
		<processor_response><![CDATA[PayPal Transaction ID:3WA89407UK383652C]]></processor_response>
		<customer_address1><![CDATA[1 Main St]]></customer_address1>
		<customer_city><![CDATA[San Jose]]></customer_city>
				<tax_name><![CDATA[Global Tax]]></tax_name>
				<category_description><![CDATA[Default for all products]]></category_description>
		<transaction_date><![CDATA[2009-10-19 13:29:33]]></transaction_date>
		<processor_response><![CDATA[Purchase Order]]></processor_response>
		<customer_last_name><![CDATA[Doe, Jr.]]></customer_last_name>
		<customer_address1><![CDATA[555 Testing]]></customer_address1>
		<customer_address2><![CDATA[Suite 8]]></customer_address2>
		<shipto_shipping_service_description><![CDATA[: Customer Pickup]]></shipto_shipping_service_description>
		<purchase_order><![CDATA[Test PO #]]></purchase_order>
				<product_name><![CDATA[Example Product]]></product_name>
				<category_description><![CDATA[Discount: Price: Percentage]]></category_description>
						<product_option_name><![CDATA[Price Discount Amount]]></product_option_name>

</foxydata> </code>

FoxyCart v051 Datafeed

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
			<transaction_date>2009-05-09 19:04:41</transaction_date>
			<processor_response> Transaction ID:2699</processor_response>
			<customer_company>ACME Inc.</customer_company>
			<customer_address1>555 Mulberry Dr.</customer_address1>
					<tax_name>Global Tax</tax_name>
					<tax_name>Global Tax</tax_name>
					<product_name>Example Product</product_name>
					<category_description>Discount: Price: Percentage</category_description>
							<product_option_name>Price Discount Amount</product_option_name>
					<product_name>Example Subscription</product_name>
					<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
					<product_name>testing aa</product_name>
					<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
					<shipto_company>ACME Inc.</shipto_company>
					<shipto_address1>555 Mulberry Dr.</shipto_address1>
					<shipto_address1>1234 Calle de Carretas</shipto_address1>

FoxyCart versions prior to v051

Versions of FoxyCart prior to v051 the datafeed version was independent of the store version. Here are the datafeed versions available with v050 and prior.

Datafeed v0.8

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<datafeed_version>XML FoxyCart Version 0.8</datafeed_version>
		<transaction_date>2009-03-06 11:16:36</transaction_date>
		<processor_response> Transaction ID:2429</processor_response>
		<customer_address1>555 Mulberry Dr.</customer_address1>
		<shipping_service_description>UPS: 2nd Day Air</shipping_service_description>
			<name>$5 off all orders over $5!</name>
			<name>Testing Again</name>
			<product_name>Example Product</product_name>
			<category_description>Discount: Price: Percentage</category_description>
					<product_option_name>Price Discount Amount</product_option_name>
					<product_option_name>Quantity Discount</product_option_name>
			<product_name>Example Subscription</product_name>
			<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>

</transactions> </foxydata> </code>

Datafeed v0.7

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<datafeed_version>XML FoxyCart Version 0.7</datafeed_version>
		<transaction_date>2009-02-12 12:28:50</transaction_date>
		<customer_address1>555 Mulberry Ln</customer_address1>
		<customer_phone> </customer_phone>
			<name>$5 off all orders over $5!</name>
			<product_name>testing 03</product_name>
			<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
			<product_name>testing 38</product_name>
			<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
			<product_name>lamerss 17</product_name>
			<category_description>Discount: Qty: Percentage</category_description>
					<product_option_name>Quantity Discount</product_option_name>
			<shipto_address1>555 Mullberry Ln</shipto_address1>
			<shipto_shipping_service_description>UPS: 2nd Day Air</shipto_shipping_service_description>

</foxydata> </code>

Datafeed v0.6

v0.6 added the hash of the customer's password, sent as an MD5 hash.

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
	<datafeed_version>XML FoxyCart Version 0.6</datafeed_version>
			<transaction_date>2007-05-04 20:53:57</transaction_date>
			<customer_address1>12345 Any Street</customer_address1>
			<customer_city>Any City</customer_city>
			<customer_phone>(123) 456-7890</customer_phone>
			<shipping_address1>1234 Any Street</shipping_address1>
			<shipping_city>Some City</shipping_city>
			<shipping_service_description>UPS: Ground</shipping_service_description>
					<shipto>John Doe</shipto>
					<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
					<address_name>John Doe</address_name>
					<shipto_address1>2345 Some Address</shipto_address1>
					<shipto_city>Some City</shipto_city>
					<shipto_shipping_service_description>DHL: Next Afternoon</shipto_shipping_service_description>
							<shipto_custom_field_value>john's stuff</shipto_custom_field_value>
							<shipto_custom_field_value>more of john's stuff</shipto_custom_field_value>

Datafeed v0.5

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
	<datafeed_version>XML FoxyCart Version 0.5</datafeed_version>
			<transaction_date>2007-05-04 20:53:57</transaction_date>
			<customer_address1>12345 Any Street</customer_address1>
			<customer_city>Any City</customer_city>
			<customer_phone>(123) 456-7890</customer_phone>
			<shipping_address1>1234 Any Street</shipping_address1>
			<shipping_city>Some City</shipping_city>
			<shipping_service_description>UPS: Ground</shipping_service_description>
					<shipto>John Doe</shipto>
					<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>
					<address_name>John Doe</address_name>
					<shipto_address1>2345 Some Address</shipto_address1>
					<shipto_city>Some City</shipto_city>
					<shipto_shipping_service_description>DHL: Next Afternoon</shipto_shipping_service_description>
							<shipto_custom_field_value>john's stuff</shipto_custom_field_value>
							<shipto_custom_field_value>more of john's stuff</shipto_custom_field_value>

Datafeed v0.4

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
	<datafeed_version>XML FoxyCart Version 0.4</datafeed_version>
			<transaction_date>2007-05-04 20:53:57</transaction_date>
			<customer_address1>12345 Any Street</customer_address1>
			<customer_city>Any City</customer_city>
			<customer_phone>(123) 456-7890</customer_phone>
			<shipping_address1>1234 Any Street</shipping_address1>
			<shipping_city>Some City</shipping_city>
					<category_description>Default for all products</category_description>