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Quantum Gateway (CDG Commerce)

Quantum Gateway (CDG Commerce)

About CDG Commerce and Quantum Gateway

CDG Commerce is an affordable merchant account provider that provides free usage of their Quantum Gateway, which allows an great degree of flexibility when it comes to what fields are required, what IPs are allowed, and more.

If you don't have a merchant account already, we recommend you apply for one now or view their current rates.

Setting Up Quantum Gateway for FoxyCart

  1. Login to your Quantum Gateway account.
  2. Go to your “Processing Settings” page:
  3. Find your “RestrictKey” section. It should look like this:
  4. Hit the “Generate” button, then update.
  5. Login to FoxyCart and go to your “payment” link under the “STORE” .
  6. Select Quantum as the gateway. Enter your Quantum username as the login id (or “payment gateway id”), and your RestrictKey as the restrictkey (or “payment gateway key”).
  7. Save.
  8. Make sure your “Processing Mode” is set to LIVE, unless you don't want it to be.
  9. Find the text “Enable Test Cards:” (under the “Processing” section in your Quantum Gateway Account) and set it to “N”. Click the “Update” button on that section.
  10. Test. Do not test with your live cards. See the caveats section below.


Obtaining a Test Account

Please visit to get a test account.

Test Card Numbers

Troubleshooting & Interpreting Response Codes

If you get errors during processing you can check on them here:

Important Notes and Caveats


Do not test with real credit cards. We have had reports that CDG shut down an account for testing with live credit cards (and subsequently voiding or refunding the charges). Requests by the merchant to reinstate the account were unsuccessful.

Required Policies for Your Site

In order to obtain a merchant account through CDG, you must have some items for the bank to see. Here's a response from a real application:

Dear Merchant, I know you are still working on your website but the bank needs to see more of your website other than just the place holder page. Here is what the bank will want to see: bank will want to see
* your home page,
* product page with prices and an order button,
* return/refund policy,
* shipping policy,
* privacy policy.
* terms of service
The bank knows the order button will not go to an order page that can process as transaction since you are in the middle of applying for your merchant account. Please email a temp URL. For example: This way, the bank can see what you are working on and what kind of business you have.

Prohibited Products

According to CDG (and most other merchant account providers) the following will almost always be disallowed:

The above accounts do have many exceptions, subject to case-by-case underwriting.

User Notes and Experiences

If you have tips, experience, or helpful notes related to this gateway that would benefit others, please add them below, including your name and the date. We reserve the right to edit or remove comments that don't add value to this page.