========Limit Checkout to Specific Countries or Regions====== ===== How do I know which to choose – allow or block? ===== You'll want to select allow or block depending upon the amount of countries or regions you're wanting to restrict to. If you're only shipping to a small handful of countries or regions, you'll want to select allow, only requiring you to check those few boxes from the list, designating that country/region as allowed. If you are shipping to most places, but just need to exclude a few countries, you'll select block and check off the countries/regions that you can't ship to. If in doubt, feel free to [[http://foxy.io/contact_us|contact us]]. ==== To only allow specific countries or regions: ==== ​ - ​Go to your templates configuration in the Foxy admin. Here's a link: https://admin.foxycart.com/admin.php?ThisAction=TemplateConfig - Scroll down to "Customize allowlist/blocklist filtering of countries and regions." - If not checked, check the box. - Change "filter type:" to "Allowlist". - ​Scroll until you see the countries or regions for which you'd like to offer shipping and select them. - ​Scroll down and click the "Update" ​button to save. - ​Test the cart/checkout to ensure that only your allowed countries/regions can be selected. ==== To block specific countries or regions: ==== ​ - ​Go to your templates configuration in the Foxy admin. Here's a link: https://admin.foxycart.com/admin.php?ThisAction=TemplateConfig - Scroll down to "Customize allowlist/blocklist filtering of countries and regions." - If not checked, check the box. - Change "filter type:" to "Blocklist". - ​Scroll until you see the countries or regions to which you cannot ship and select them. - ​Scroll down and click the "Update" ​button to save. - ​Test the cart/checkout to ensure that blocked countries/regions cannot be selected.