====== Product Categories ====== ===== What Product Categories Are ===== Categories offer a way to give [[.:products|products]] additional behaviors that cannot be accomplished by product options alone. While it's probably best to take a look at the category settings in your admin, we'll briefly discuss the functionality that categories offer. * **[[.:emails|Email Receipts.]]** Email receipts can be generated on a per category basis, and different emails can be configured for customers and for admins. So, if you had a conference registration category but also sold books and CDs, you might want a transaction that included a conference registration to send an email to a store admin (the conference registrar); or to send an extra email to the customer with a schedule and link to the hotel; or to send both emails (as they can be configured independently). * **Default Weight Values.** These default values can be overridden by explicitly setting the ''weight'' product option, but if you have a category for "Shirts" you could set the default weight to 0.5, while you have another category for "Paperweights" with a default weight of 3. That way you wouldn't have to explicitly set the weight on every product's add-to-cart link or form. * **[[.:taxes|Taxes.]]** Taxes must be set at the category level. This allows you to have certain products taxed differently from others, which can be useful in a variety of situations. * **[[.:shipping|Shipping and Handling Fees.]]** Categories can set specific handling fees, as well as shipping methods. * **Customs Values.** Customs values (used in shipping calculations) can only be set at the category level. * **[[.:coupons_and_discounts|Quantity Discounts.]]** While individual products can have quantity discounts, they can also be applied for //all// products in the cart in a given category. * **[[.:coupons_and_discounts|Coupon Codes.]]** Coupons can be restricted per category, though this is done on the coupon code admin section, not the category admin section. * **[[.:products:downloadables|Downloadables.]]** Downloadable products must be added to a category where the shipping method is set to "Downloaded by the customer". ===== How Product Categories Work ===== Using product categories is fairly straightforward if you already understand how FoxyCart's [[.:products|products]] function. Simply: - Create a category in your store's admin. - Assign that category to the product in your add-to-cart link or form, where the "category code" (as configured in the admin) is set in the product's ''category'' option. So, something like this: Buy this Great Product!
===== The Default Category ===== You'll notice that the ''category'' product parameter is optional. If you don't specify a category, the ''DEFAULT'' category will be used. ===== Creating New Categories ===== It may not be immediately evident, but if you use the select box at the top of your Category page (in the "Select a Category" fieldset) in your store's admin you'll see an option to add a new category. Doing so will actually make a copy of the category you're currently editing.