====== FoxyCart Ecommerce Screencasts & Video Tutorials ====== - [[screencasts:foxycart_101|FoxyCart 101]]: From store creation to going live - [[screencasts:getting_started|Getting Started with FoxyCart]]: Ecommerce in 6 minutes - [[screencasts:Integrating the Checkout page into your template]] - [[screencasts:Customizing your Checkout]]. Custom Ecommerce Templates using CSS + HTML! - [[http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/45-using-foxycart-for-ecommerce/|CSS Tricks]]: Using FoxyCart for eCommerce ==== Feature Specific Screencasts ==== - [[http://screencast.com/t/6zoiQgrxsw0|Setting Up Taxes.]] This tutorial covers how you set up taxes for just a specific state. Thanks to [[http://www.my619.com|My619.com]] for submitting. - [[http://screencast.com/t/1dIZqclL68|Setting up shipping rates.]] This tutorial covers how you go about setting up the shipping rate options for your customers on checkout. Thanks to [[http://www.my619.com|My619.com]] for submitting. ====== CMS Specific Screencasts & Video Tutorials ====== ==== Wordpress E-Commerce ==== - [[http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/56-integrating-foxycart-and-wordpress/|CSS Tricks]]: Integrating FoxyCart and Wordpress - [[http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/65-advanced-uses-for-custom-fields-in-wordpress/|CSS Tricks]]: Advanced Uses for Custom Fields in WordPress (highly relevant to Wordpress + FoxyCart integrations, as described in CSS-Tricks video #56, above) ==== MODx E-Commerce ==== - [[http://www.my619.com/foxy-cart-modx-tutorial-1|MODx + FoxyCart, Part 1]]: Basic overview of integrating FoxyCart and MODx.