====== Available Placeholders ====== All of the templates have place holders you can use which will be replaced with data from your transaction. ===== Cart ===== * ''^^cart^^'' = Required. This will be replaced with the cart contents. * ''^^store_domain^^'' = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain. If your store subdomain is ''mystore'' then ''^^store_domain^^'' will be replaced with ''mystore.foxycart.com'' * ''^^store_name^^'' = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin. ===== Checkout ===== * ''^^checkout^^'' = Required. This will be replaced with the checkout customer form. * ''^^cart^^'' = Required. This will be replaced with the cart contents. * ''^^store_domain^^'' = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain. * ''^^store_name^^'' = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin. * ''^^custom_begin^^'' and ''^^custom_end^^'' = If you have [[checkout:customfields|custom form fields]] you would like to include on the checkout page, put them within these two place holders and they will be added to the checkout customer form. ===== Receipt ===== Note: the entire receipt template is optional. You can just use the checkout template if you like. * ''^^receipt^^'' = Required. This will be replaced with the receipt contents (note: ''^^checkout^^'' may also be used). * ''^^cart^^'' = Required. This will be replaced with the cart contents. * ''^^store_domain^^'' = Will be replaced with your foxycart store domain. * ''^^store_name^^'' = Will be replaced with your store name as setup in your FoxyCart store admin. === Analytics & Order Tracking === As of v050, all analytics and order tracking scripts should be placed inside of ''^^receipt_only_begin^^'' and ''^^receipt_only_end^^'' tags. v050 introduces reloadable receipts, so if tracking scripts are not placed within these tags they could be loaded multiple times, causing the data collected to be inaccurate. * ''^^receipt_only_begin^^'', ''^^receipt_only_end^^'': Place all tracking scripts in between these two tags. * ''^^order_id^^'' = If you're using iDevAffiliate, or another analytics app, this place holder might come in handy. * ''^^subtotal^^'' = Products subtotal (without tax or shipping). * ''^^subtotal_with_tax^^'' = Products subtotal with tax. * ''^^order_total^^'' = Order total (including tax and shipping). == Google Analytics == * v0.3.2+: ''^^analytics_google_ga^^'' = "New" version of Google Analytics (ga.js). [[http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55528|Details]]. * v0.3.2+: ''^^analytics_google_urchin^^'' = "Old" version of Google Analytics (urchin.js). [[http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?answer=74984|Details]]. * Settings => Logo URL ) * ''^^sub_token_url^^'' = Will be replaced with the ''sub_token'' URL * ''^^order_begin^^'' and ''^^order_end^^'' = Anything placed inside of these placeholders will only be included if the receipt email is for an order, and not for an ''update_info'' request. (v0.7.0+) * ''^^updateinfo_begin^^'' and ''^^updateinfo_end^^'' = Anything placed inside of these placeholders will only be included if the receipt email is for an ''update_info'' request. (v0.7.0+) * ''^^subscription_cancel_begin^^'' and ''^^subscription_cancel_end^^'' = Anything placed inside of these placeholders will only be included if the receipt email is for a subscription. You can use the ''^^sub_token_url^^'' placeholder to create cancellation links right on your receipt emails. (v0.7.0+)