/* FoxyCart Multiship Javascript v2.4 2013-03-02 INSTRUCTIONS: http://wiki.foxycart.com/integration/foxycart/multiship_javascript_070 IMPORTANT: If you're having problems with this script, MAKE SURE YOUR PAGE IS VALID. Seriously, if your page is invalid (particularly with regard to forms spanning beyond where they should, like starting in one and going into another) this code might have issues. */ function shipto_initialize() { jQuery('div.shipto_select').show(); jQuery('div.shipto_name').hide(); jQuery('div.shipto_name input').val(""); } // shipto_check checks for the existence of the shipto cookie // returns an array of values, or false if no cookie found function shipto_array() { if (jQuery.cookie('shipto_names')) { // Define the global shipto array var shipto_array = jQuery.cookie('shipto_names').split('||'); shipto_array = unique(shipto_array); shipto_array.sort(); return shipto_array; } else { return false; } } function shipto_select() { // Clear the shipto select boxes first jQuery('div.shipto_select select').html(''); var shipto_options = ''; var shipto = shipto_array(); // alert('shipto: ' + shipto); if (shipto) { // alert('shipto is true'); jQuery.each(shipto, function(i, val){ // alert('starting the .each loop with: ' + i + ' = ' + val); if (val != 'undefined' && val != 'null' && val != '' && val != 'Me') { shipto_options += '