~~NOCACHE~~ ~~NOTOC~~ This is a publicly editable wiki. While we at FoxyCart make every attempt to ensure the data contained herein is accurate, we can't promise it. Please let us know in [[http://forum.foxycart.com|our forums]] if something is missing or confusing. Also please note that some portions of this wiki are user-contributed, so use caution and common sense when using code from this wiki.
1 is the loneliest number

Getting Started

* [[.:getting_started:foxycart_setup|Setup FoxyCart]] in 5 minutes. **REQUIRED** * [[.:getting_started:site_setup|How to setup your site]], including javascript and theme calls. **REQUIRED** * [[.:getting_started:adding_links_and_forms|Adding your product links and forms]]. * [[.:getting_started:templates|Setup your checkout template]]. * [[.:getting_started:testing|Testing]]. * [[.:getting_started:notes|Important Notes]] to read before going live.

Configuring Your Site

* [[v:0.6.0:docs:gettingstarted:cartinfo|Display cart quantity & price]] sitewide, like in your header.

Store Configuration

* [[:integration:logos|FoxyCart Logos]] and "Powered By" graphics. * [[docs:remotedomain:setup|Store Remote Domain]] setup (ie. ''secure.example.com'' rather than ''example.foxycart.com'') * [[v:0.6.0:docs:multiship|Multiple Ship-To Addresses (Multiship)]] * [[v:0.6.0:docs:locale|Language and Currency]] settings

Customizing the Look and Feel

* [[v:0.6.0:design:foxybox|FoxyBox / Thickbox]] * Cart * [[.:getting_started:templates|Checkout]] * Receipt * Print * [[v:0.6.0:design:themes|Themes]] in Illustrator and Photoshop



FAQs & Best Practices

* [[faqs|FAQs]] * [[best_practices|Best Practices]]

Feature Requests & New Version Status

* [[feature_requests|Feature Requests and Voting]]
2 can be as sad as 1

Cheat Sheets

* **[[v:0.6.0:docs:placeholders|Available Placeholders]]** on the cart, checkout, receipt, and emails.


* [[v:0.6.0:design:foxybox|FoxyBox]], changing the size and other notes. * **[[v:0.6.0:docs:cart:parameters|Available Cart Parameters]]** like ''=checkout'', ''=updateinfo'', etc.


* [[v:0.6.0:docs:checkout:prepopulating|Pre-populating Checkout Fields]] * [[v:0.6.0:docs:checkout:customfields|Custom Checkout Fields]], like checkboxes to join a mailing list or accept the TOS, etc. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:checkout:unified_order_entry|Unified Order Entry]] (aka [[v:0.6.0:docs:checkout:unified_order_entry|Super Password]]), turning FoxyCart into an integrated "virtual terminal" of sorts. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:checkout:javascript|Checkout JavaScript]] events and advanced helper functions. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:single_sign_on|Single Sign On (SSO)]] and "shared authentication"


* [[v:0.6.0:docs:receipt:revisitable_receipts|Revisitable receipts]]

JavaScript, JSON, and Misc.

* [[v:0.6.0:docs:includes:foxycart_includes_js|What is the ''foxycart_includes.js'' file]] and what's in it? * [[v:0.6.0:docs:json|The JSON Cart Object]] is very foxy. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:jsonp|Using JSONP]]. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:automagicache|AutoMagiCache Overview]], including what //is// and what is //not// supported. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:jquery:basic_validation|Basic form validation with jQuery]], like "How do I force the customer to choose a size for my product?"

API, XML Datafeeds & Advanced

* [[v:0.6.0:docs:datafeed|XML Data Feeds]], examples. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:subscription_datafeed|XML Subscription Data Feeds]] * [[v:0.6.0:docs:api|API]]


* [[.:products:downloadable|Downloadable products]] * [[.:products:subscriptions|Subscriptions]], everything you need to know.

Payment Gateways

* [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways|Payment Gateway Information]] and Notes * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:quantumgateway|Quantum Gateway (CDG Commerce)]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:authorize|Authorize.net]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:bluefin|Bluefin]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:bluepay|Bluepay]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:cybersource|CyberSource]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:eway|eWAY]] setup. (Australia) * [[gateways:inspire|Inspire]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:paypal|PayPal]], what is and what is not supported. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:paypointgateway|PayPoint Gateway (formerly SecPay)]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:plugnpay|Plug 'n Pay]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:psigate|PSiGate]] setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:paymentgateways:sagepayments|Sage Payments]] setup.

Shipping Providers

* [[v:0.6.0:docs:shipping:fedex|FedEx]] account setup. * [[v:0.6.0:docs:shipping:ups|UPS]] account setup.


* [[v:0.6.0:docs:upgrading|Upgrading]] * [[v:0.6.0:docs:downgrading|Downgrading]] * [[:static:known_issues|Known Issues]], by version

Advanced References

* [[v:0.6.0:docs:advanced:forum|Forum Posts with advanced code]]

Store Owner Tools

* [[v:0.6.0:tools:store_owner:credit_card_validation_tools|Tools to check credit card numbers]]
3 is foxy!
FoxyCart [[:integration|plays nice with others]], and doesn't run with scissors either. Enjoy! {| class="clouds" |- ! Filter by System ! Filter by Tag |- | ---- datacloud ---- field : system min : 1 limit : 50 target : integration ---- | ---- datacloud ---- field : tags_tags min : 1 limit : 50 target : integration ---- |}